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Perseid Meteor Shower Viewing Event in Springfield

The University of Illinois Springfield Astronomy-Physics Program, along with Lincoln Memorial Garden and the Sangamon Astronomical Society, will host a Star Party to observe the annual Perseid meteor shower on August 12, 2023, from 8 to 10 p.m. The event will take place at Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Drive.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs each August when Earth crosses the path of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle. The 2023 shower is expected to peak between August 12 and 13.

Known for its fireball type meteors, the Perseid shower typically yields three to five meteors per hour under dark conditions. During the peak, this rate can increase to up to 60 meteors per hour.

Attendees are advised to park in the spaces off E. Lake Shore Drive and gather in Cawley Meadow across the street from the nature center. The event will be held outdoors, participants are encouraged to wear bug repellant and bring lawn chairs or blankets.

In case of cloudy weather, updates on viewing status can be obtained by calling 217-206-8342 after 7 p.m. on August 12. Additional updates will be posted on the Lincoln Memorial Garden Facebook page ( and the UIS Observatory Twitter feed (@UISObservatory).

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The Sangamon Reporter LLC

P.O. Box 13441.Springfield, IL 62791

Publisher: Karen Hasara


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