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Hamilton Announces $56 Million in Available Grants

State Rep. Sandy Hamilton is reminding communities in her district that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources announced that applications are available for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) funding of Open Space Land Acquisition & Development (OSLAD) grants, which will include $56 million in State-grants to provide funding assistance to local government agencies for acquisition and/or development of land for public parks and open space. Applications will be accepted through September 30th for this round of OSLAD grants.

FY23 OSLAD funding will offer up to 100% funding assistance for distressed communities. Distressed communities that apply for an OSLAD grant may qualify for up to 100% funding assistance for their project. Please see the list below of FY23 distressed communities.

Funding assistance of up to 50% is available for all other qualifying communities that apply. Grant awards up to $1,125,000 are available for land acquisition projects, while development or renovation projects are limited to a $600,000 grant maximum.

Types of eligible project include:Acquisition of land for new park sites or park expansion, water frontage, nature study, and natural resource preservation. And the Development/Renovation of: Picnic and playground facilities;, Outdoor nature interpretive facilities, Sports courts and play fields, Swimming pools, beaches and many other projects

Applications must be submitted to IDNR through the Amplifund Grant Management System by 5:00PM on September 30, 2022:


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